March 27, 2015 – “Ruling Supports Glendale in Dispute Over Monument” (Rafu Shimpo) April 3, 2015 Comfort Women “A judge has issued a tentative ruling in support of the City of Glendale, which has been sued for placing a “comfort women” monument in Central Park.” Please Share This Tweet Like Plus one Pin It Related Posts March 19, 2015 – “Comfort women statue proposal riles group of Japanese Canadians in Burnaby” (Burnaby Now) 'Comfort women' issue a controversy in Canada too: "Tina Rafferty, a Japanese-Canadian resident, spoke with… March 5, 2015 – “EXO Fans Raise Money For Museum Honoring Japanese Occupation-Era Comfort Women” Kpop group fans raise money to support the History Museum of Japanese Military Comfort Women,… March 21, 2015 – “U.S. senators call for strategy to halt China land-reclamation projects” (Japan Times) "A bipartisan group of influential U.S. senators has called on the government to draw up…
March 19, 2015 – “Comfort women statue proposal riles group of Japanese Canadians in Burnaby” (Burnaby Now) 'Comfort women' issue a controversy in Canada too: "Tina Rafferty, a Japanese-Canadian resident, spoke with…
March 5, 2015 – “EXO Fans Raise Money For Museum Honoring Japanese Occupation-Era Comfort Women” Kpop group fans raise money to support the History Museum of Japanese Military Comfort Women,…
March 21, 2015 – “U.S. senators call for strategy to halt China land-reclamation projects” (Japan Times) "A bipartisan group of influential U.S. senators has called on the government to draw up…