March 27, 2015 – “Ruling Supports Glendale in Dispute Over Monument” (Rafu Shimpo) April 3, 2015 Comfort Women “A judge has issued a tentative ruling in support of the City of Glendale, which has been sued for placing a “comfort women” monument in Central Park.” Please Share This Tweet Like Plus one Pin It Related Posts April 8, 2015 – “Schools to get teaching materials on ‘comfort women'” (Korea Times) The Korean government will "give teaching materials on sexual slavery instigated by the Japanese military… Feb. 13, 2015 – Korean Government to “bolster education on wartime sex slaves” (Korea Times) "The government will bolster education for school children on Japan's sexual enslavement of Asian women… March 12, 2015 – “Two ‘comfort women’ statues to be erected in South Korean city” (Japan Times) "Two groups related to South Korea and China are jointly planning to put up statues…
April 8, 2015 – “Schools to get teaching materials on ‘comfort women'” (Korea Times) The Korean government will "give teaching materials on sexual slavery instigated by the Japanese military…
Feb. 13, 2015 – Korean Government to “bolster education on wartime sex slaves” (Korea Times) "The government will bolster education for school children on Japan's sexual enslavement of Asian women…
March 12, 2015 – “Two ‘comfort women’ statues to be erected in South Korean city” (Japan Times) "Two groups related to South Korea and China are jointly planning to put up statues…