Japanese history to be mandatory during high school years January 8, 2014 History Textbooks Japanese history to be mandatory during high school years reports the Japan Daily Press Please Share This Tweet Like Plus one Pin It Related Posts April 8, 2015 – “Japan rebuffs outcry over new history textbooks” (Asia One) "Japan on Tuesday rebuffed neighbouring countries' protests about newly approved textbooks after complaints about references… Yokohama pulls out school books describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans This article in the Japan Daily Press discusses the recall of books that described the… Jan. 30, 2015 – “China vows no ‘Western values’ in universities” (Daily Mail) "China's education minister has vowed to ban university textbooks which promote "Western values", state media…
April 8, 2015 – “Japan rebuffs outcry over new history textbooks” (Asia One) "Japan on Tuesday rebuffed neighbouring countries' protests about newly approved textbooks after complaints about references…
Yokohama pulls out school books describing 1923 ‘massacre’ of Koreans This article in the Japan Daily Press discusses the recall of books that described the…
Jan. 30, 2015 – “China vows no ‘Western values’ in universities” (Daily Mail) "China's education minister has vowed to ban university textbooks which promote "Western values", state media…