August 6, 2015 – Hiroshima marks 70 years since atomic bomb (BBC) August 6, 2015 Memorials and Museums A ceremony, attended by PM Shinzo Abe, was held at Hiroshima’s memorial park before thousands of lanterns are released on the city’s Motoyasu river. Please Share This Tweet Like Plus one Pin It Related Posts March 30, 2015 – “Okinawa: Remembering all the dead” (Maryland Reporter) "In 1990, when Ota was first elected governor of Okinawa, he began pushing for a… April 7 , 2015 – “Families of crewmen killed in Yamato sinking call for peace on 70th anniversary” (Asahi) “I am concerned the history of the Yamato may have been romanticized despite 3,000 people… March 19, 2015 – “Comfort women statue proposal riles group of Japanese Canadians in Burnaby” (Burnaby Now) 'Comfort women' issue a controversy in Canada too: "Tina Rafferty, a Japanese-Canadian resident, spoke with…
March 30, 2015 – “Okinawa: Remembering all the dead” (Maryland Reporter) "In 1990, when Ota was first elected governor of Okinawa, he began pushing for a…
April 7 , 2015 – “Families of crewmen killed in Yamato sinking call for peace on 70th anniversary” (Asahi) “I am concerned the history of the Yamato may have been romanticized despite 3,000 people…
March 19, 2015 – “Comfort women statue proposal riles group of Japanese Canadians in Burnaby” (Burnaby Now) 'Comfort women' issue a controversy in Canada too: "Tina Rafferty, a Japanese-Canadian resident, spoke with…